Closing the recycling loop using Reverse Logistics with Marcelo Cairolli

Marcelo Cairolli is a production engineer from Brazil with a background in logistics. In the past, Marcelo has been involved in several logistic sectors, but he is now specializing in reverse logistics for electronic products.

Reverse logistics is commonly known as a sector that deals with the transportation of products from their "end-of-life" back to "production". But in this podcast, we discovered that reverse logistics has a broader meaning. It is the motor of circular economy, the enabler of all the R's, and also creates the social value of "We messed a lot with plastics and now need to clean up"!

In this podcast, Marcelo taught us about the different approaches to reverse logistics, and how to make the end of life of electronics more circular. We also had interesting discussions about the role of governments and education in closing recycling loops.

You can find out more and reach out to Marcelo via LinkedIn.