Rethinking Climate and why communication between consumers and industry matters - with Asia Guerreschi

Asia Guerreschi was actually our first guest in our podcast series!!!. Asia is the founder of Rethinking Climate a youth-led non-profit organization that tries to open conversations about complex and overlooked climate issues. She founded Rethinking Climate out of a personal motivation to improve sustainability communication, and now works with a team of young international activists to bring different perspectives to a learning journey and show that there is a space for everyone in the climate movement.

Next to it, she is currently doing her PhD about integrated innovations for the circular economy and decarbonization in production with the University of Ferrara in Italy.

To us, she spoke about her activities with and for Rethinking Climate, especially how important it is to bridge the gap in sustainability communication between consumers and policymakers. Plus, we got highlight some fun facts on sustainability options for plastics in the sex toy business.