Rethinking Climate and why communication between consumers and industry matters - with Asia Guerreschi

Asia Guerreschi was actually our first guest in our podcast series!!!. Asia is the founder of Rethinking Climate a youth-led non-profit organization that tries to open conversations about complex and overlooked climate issues. She founded Rethinking Climate out of a personal motivation to improve sustainability communication, and now works with a team of young international activists to bring different perspectives to a learning journey and show that there is a space for everyone in the climate movement.

Next to it, she is currently doing her PhD about integrated innovations for the circular economy and decarbonization in production with the University of Ferrara in Italy.

To us, she spoke about her activities with and for Rethinking Climate, especially how important it is to bridge the gap in sustainability communication between consumers and policymakers. Plus, we got highlight some fun facts on sustainability options for plastics in the sex toy business.

Demystifying 2021 and above ground hydrocarbon - The Xmas Edition from John & Mat

Enjoying a little mystic atmosphere on December 24th, we are reflecting on 2021 and the fact that one of the outcomes of starting this podcast was correlating the two topics circularity and recycling due to our own professional backgrounds. This last episode in 2021 is delivering some thoughts on circularity in the recycling sector and demystifying above ground hydrocarbons.

Happy New Year to Everyone

Peaceful activism based on science - with Lola Segers the Belgian Youth for Climate Voice

Lola Segers from Antwerp, Belgium, has been a climate activist with Youth for Climate Belgium for two years. As she told us, till then she was not really concerned too much about climate. Today she’s the spokesperson, and coordinator of communication of Youth for Climate in Belgium and is active in organizing strikes, actions and projects with the movement on an global and international scale.

With us she spoke about global responsibility and the importance of creating a science-based dialogue across industry, politics and the future generations.

The Birth of Plastic Climate Future - An attempt to introduce...

This is the first take of our first podcast, and for a long time we have been hesitating whether to publish or not. It was fun though, and that’s who we are and where we come from.

You will hear a little about us as well as our motivation behind Plastic Climate Future. You will also hear that nothing is perfect in the beginning.
